September 6, 2019 | Author: Admin
Because of the low incidence of keratoconus, there are very few experts of keratoconus treatment in India. The patient who experiences distorted vision and has the urge of rubbing eyes should consult with Keratoconus specialist in India.
Keratoconus is the disease of the cornea. The cornea has undergone a structural damaging making it difficult for the light to properly spread over it leading to abnormal vision. This results in the development of a bulge or cone on the cornea.
Following are some of the facts associated with keratoconus:
Cause of Keratoconus is unknown: Exact cause of keratoconus is not known. Various factors increase the risk of having keratoconus. It is believed that genetic factors play an important role in the development of keratoconus. If you are diagnosed with keratoconus, the risk of somebody to get keratoconus is high. The condition commonly occurs in the twenties but can also occur later in life. Some evidence also suggests that extensive rubbing of eyes results in keratoconus.
There are few Keratoconus experts: Keratoconus is not a common condition and is found in a few patients. The ophthalmologists are not experienced enough to provide effective treatment for this condition. On average, only three patients reach an eye specialist in a year. This may result in misdiagnosis of the disease. The researchers conducted recently revealed that the incidence of keratoconus amount the population is increasing.
Traveling at high altitude with Keratoconus: Climbing at high altitude may not be a problem if you have mild and stable keratoconus. However, in cases of severe keratoconus, high altitude poses risk to the patient. Many times, the patient experiences blurred vision. This may lead to serious consequences. While climbing to high altitude, the patient also suffers from dry eyes. With dry eyes, the urge of rubbing increases which is not advisable in keratoconus. The patient should keep artificial tears with him and Instill it from time to time.
There is no progression of keratoconus: Many people believe that keratoconus is a progressive condition and the patients are under stress because of this. Keratoconus is not a progressive condition after a stage. The progression can also be stopped by undergoing proper treatment. The disease gets stabilized after a certain period. The condition which may lead to progression of the disease included poorly fitted contact lenses and extensive rubbing of the eyes.
Reduce eye rubbing: The patient should control the habit of eye rubbing. Keratoconus in some patients increases the risk of eye allergy which results in rubbing of eyes. Extensively rubbing of eyes with keratoconus aggravates the condition. Rubbing the eyes changes the shape of the cornea resulting in distorted vision. This vision is hard to normalize even with the help of glasses. The patient who rubs eyes gets stuck into a vicious cycle of more and more itching.
Take good care of contact lenses: Poorly fitted contact lens also leads to keratoconus. Similarly taking care of the contact lens and maintaining hygienic eye health is also important to stay away from keratoconus. Poorly fitted contact lens or poor hygiene cause allergy reactions and initiates the urge to rub. Rubbing of eyes for a long period increases the risk of keratoconus.
Keratoconus does not cause blindness: Because of the early progression of the disease, many patients fear of going blind because of keratoconus. However, keratoconus does not lead to blindness. Once the proper hygiene is maintained and the rubbing of the eye is controlled, the disease gets stabilized and stops progressing. In some patients, the disease may continue to progress but even then, it would not cause blindness.
Keratoconus is misdiagnosed for allergy: As the expert for Keratoconus is very few, keratoconus may sometimes be misdiagnosed to allergic reactions. This is because in both cases, the patients rub the eyes. It is also to be noted that the pattern of rubbing the eyes in allergy and keratoconus is different and only the expert ophthalmologists can find the difference.
Solar exposure influences Keratoconus: Keratoconus corners have reduced the level of enzymes responsible for scavenging free radicals. These enzymes include aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3 (ALDH3) and superoxide dismutase. UV radiations increase the production of reactive oxygen species resulting in oxidative damage of keratoconus cornea.
Exercise slows the development of keratoconus: Exercise strengthens the eyes and prevents the progression of keratoconus in the early stage. Various exercises are recommended to increase the strength of eye muscles, improving visual acuity and focusing of eyes.